Lassen Construction AB

Uthyrning, fastighetsservice, resetjänster och andra stödtjänster

Lassen Construction AB

Tjänster inom muddring, dyk, bygg och mark

We at Lassen Construction in Malmo operates primarily in four areas: Environmental Dredging , construction diving , construction and earthworks . Our certified divers work in both construction and dredging. Divers are often needed for underwater work – e.g. during dredging work, casting and when building bridges and ports.

Our construction section in Malmö performs new construction, extensions and renovations. We also offer sea construction and marine constructions.

We are also complete suppliers in land contracting. We perform snow removal for property owners in Malmö, excavation work such as excavation and drainage (among other things, we build pools – from start to finish).

Fakta om Lassen Construction AB
  • Org. nummer: 5566708722
  • Adress: Borrgatan 11-13, 211 24 Malmö
Sociala media:
Orgnr: 559365-9963
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